Archive for May 1, 2015

I often wonder if it ever stops?
The pain, the grief, the flash backs.

I have wanted to write a meaningful piece of poetry about it.
Maybe that would help my heart to heal even if for a short while,
or maybe it will open up raw wounds again.
I want to write,
but it’s never the right time.
I have to wonder, is there ever a right time?
should I just write?
I’m on the fence,
or you could say between a rock and a hard place.
I want to so badly write but I don’t feel it’s the right time.
Is there ever a right time?
Maybe I subconsciously don’t want to share these emotions with the world,
maybe it would be so deep that the world would grieve with me.
A burden I wouldn’t wish on anyone.
He wasn’t my child
but he was like my child.
Im not going through what his mother’s going through,
But all the same, I’m grieving over the loss of a child.
I’m not ready to write about it yet,
or am I?
Is there ever a right time though?
It’s been two years and nothing has changed.
I can’t help wondering if theres ever going to be a right time?
Maybe tomorrow,
maybe next week,
I’ll let you know.

In shaAllah

Striving sister


Really enjoyed this read
